WE AFFIRM, as a family, our commitment to help restore the original American Covenant as expressed in our nation’s founding documents, the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution of the United States of America.
WE DEDICATE ourselves to study the true history and purpose of America in God’s plan for His world.
WE RENEW our covenant with God to govern ourselves, to repent of our sins, to read His Word, to train our children every day, to remember His mighty deeds through history, and to fervently pray for a Great Awakening.
WE PROMISE to each other, as a family, to provide and care for one another as long as we live as commanded in Scripture.
WE COMMIT to be a part of a local body of the family of faith, live in accountability with one another, and stand for the truth of God’s Word and Glory without compromise.
WE DEDICATE ourselves, as soldiers in “God’s Army of Compassion, ” to share the Gospel, feed the hungry, care for the weak and protect the innocents, especially the unborn children, the fatherless, and widows.
WE COMMIT to living peacefully, obeying the laws of the land, and working to elect godly, trustworthy leaders who will not abuse their limited power as our “public servants” and distort our Constitution.
WE RESERVE the right, as American citizens, and as declared in our founding Declaration of Independence, to work to constitutionally and biblically replace those civil servants who abuse their office and break their covenant with God and the people.
WE PLEDGE our lives, our fortunes, and our sacred honor to defend the God-given rights of our people, as expressed in the Bible and our national covenants, against all enemies of our republic, both foreign and domestic.
Signed on this day of our Lord, September 12, 2021
Pastor Butch D. Woolsey
Pastor Kenneth P. Kazar
Pastor Jerry D. Shields
Pastor John J. Thomas
Pastor Joseph Wise
“Keep the words of this Covenant to do them,
that you may prosper in all that you do.”
DEUT. 29:9